Sunday, October 26, 2008

Home Sick

I'm totally bummed to be home sick today because we missed the Primary program.  James diligently practiced his line and had it down perfect!  I was so proud and excited to see him say it and sing in the program, but then I woke up at about 4 this morning and knew I wasn't going to church.  Jason is on alert, and so the kids just had to stay home with me.  I have practically no voice.  I had to call my friend Shar to come get some crafts to display at church for our enrichment group coming up, and I'm sure she loved hearing my crackly "man voice" over the phone.  
In other news, I had my official interview with the midwife college this week.  It went very well.  My only concern is that I think they have lost a couple of my application materials.  She asked me if I was going to send in another recommendation letter and I told her it had been sent in and marked as received for weeks!  So, she ended up just calling my friend for the recommendation, which ended up being good cuz then my friend totally bragged on me.  (Thanks, Marie!)  
The kids are doing great, besides the fact that Charlee is totally bugged at me right now for not holding her.  She is spoiled and likes to be in somebody's arms at all times.  James is loving school.  It is fun at the end of each school day to see him come off the bus and be all excited to tell me about what he did that day.  I check his school work and am very proud of him because he always does such a great job.  
Jayden is in a joyschool (funny huh?  Remind you of the 1980's, anyone?).  My week for teaching is this week and it's my first time.  Wish me luck.  There is only 3 kids, though, so it shouldn't be too bad.  
Holidays this year are going to be lonely.  Jason is on alert on Halloween and I just found out yesterday that he is going to be on alert during Thanksgiving, too.  If they schedule him for Christmas on top of that, I might freak out.  So, maybe we just won't do turkey this year, cuz there's no way I'm cooking a whole turkey dinner just for me and the boys.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


OK, I need help.  I've just spent the last couple of precious child free hours trying to look up ideas for our Christmas enrichment.  I have gotten nowhere.  It seems the internet has a vast amount of information today, just not the information I need.  So if ANYONE is reading this blog, please give me ideas on memorable Christmas HFPE nights or anything that might spark something in my brain.  As of right now, I've got nothin'.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Here's a few more pics

I just have so many pictures I love and want to share with whoever actually reads this blog.  There's a couple more of the corn maze and some of Charlee in a really good mood.

Corn Maze

Once again this year we had a great time at the Corn Maze.  We didn't even go through the maze, but there was so much fun stuff for our kids to do.  They had some corn boxes (like sand boxes) that our kids just loved.  Even Charlee loved them, but we had to watch her close so she wouldn't eat it!  Then they had a tube slide and a cow train and lots of fun stuff.  This is one of the highlights of fall for me.  It was windy out, but not too cold.  Happy fall, everyone!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

No husband today

So, Jason was supposed to come home from alert today.  But, instead, we have another day without him because it decided to snow today.  Yes, it is still not halfway through October yet, but the snow was coming down hard all morning and Jason is clear out in the middle of nowhere.  He called me this morning asking about the weather, and I knew it could be a bad day.  Then right after church, he called again with the bad news.  I hope the snow lays off for a while so that my husband can come home tomorrow!  I'm spoiled now that Jason isn't working the 3 day alerts anymore and I can't go 2 days without him.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Our life on pictures.

I was sure that Charlee was going to take to solids like a champ, since she loves eating so much (thus the adorable chubs).  But, like my other babies, she has some reservations when it comes to taking food from a spoon.  She much prefers grabbing the spoon out of my hands and banging it on the high chair, causing bits of rice cereal to fly everywhichways.  But hey, as long as were having fun, right?