Here are some pictures of what the kids have been up to. James is playing indoor soccer. I don't think he likes it very much. He obviously stays away from the ball and doesn't even try to kick it unless it is right in front of him. After a while in the games, he just walks aimlessly around the court and says he's tired of running. :) I guess he won't be a professional soccer player. Sigh. Just kidding. He reminds me of me. I never could get into playing sports when I was young. I was always confused about the rules and afraid of the ball. I do want to encourage him to participate in some kind of physical sport in his life, but maybe that will be something like biking or snowboarding rather than organized team sports. We'll see. The other pictures are of us at the festival of trees. It was really fun. They had lots of rooms with different activities for the kids, and the main room had lots of beautifully decorated trees. I think this will be something we will do again next year (if we are still living here next Christmas, that is. Can you believe we are counting down months instead of years until we move again?)
General Conference Discussion Group
8 years ago