Well, the holidays are over. Crazy, huh? We had an interesting Christmas. Jason had an alert added to his schedule at the last minute, and so we had to make the hard decision of whether I would stay home with him, or go to Idaho with the kids to see my brother who only comes home about every 2 years. Finally, we decided that it was important to visit with my brother, so me and the kids left on Saturday, the 20th, for Idaho. That was earlier than we'd planned to go, but we wanted to beat a winter storm that was coming in. It was fun being with my family, but we missed Jason. We built a snowman, went sledding, played games, did some shopping, etc. The boys absolutely loved played with their cousin, Kassidi. Brent, my brother, cooked for us, which is always a pleasure.
We ended up staying 3 days after we'd planned to go home, again because of the weather. I was anxious to get home to see Jason and get back on our routine somewhat (the boys were going to bed at 10 at night and not taking naps...ahhhh!). But, eventually we did get home safe and sound.
We had a birthday get together with friends on Jason's birthday at Tony Romas. It was fun. We bought gag gifts for Jason and two others who had a birthday on the same day. The food sucked but the company was good. :)
Then, last night we were invited over to our friends, the LaDuke's house, for games and food on New Year's Eve. I played the game Settler's of Catan for the first time. I didn't really get it at first, but then when I started understanding, it was more fun. We had our own countdown (several minutes after midnight, I think) and drank Martinelli's. It was a lot of fun. I love being with friends.
Well, that about wraps it up. Me and Jason and James start school again on Monday. Life will be pretty interesting after that.