Sunday, August 9, 2009

Our trip

My parents were supposed to come up last Sunday, but called me and said they were having serious car trouble and couldn't make the trip. As a last minute decision, me and the kids went down to Idaho. It was really fun. We went swimming at Lava Hot Springs the first day. It took all of us to keep track of the kids! It was a super fun day. Then we went camping at Scout Mountain. We rode my parent's four-wheeler and made s'mores. My dad brought some wakie tackies and James spent most of the time talking to Grandpa and me on them. My dad taught him some nice phrases like, "over and out" & "rodger that." He thought it was great fun and it was so cute to listen to him.
After the overnighter, we took the kids with their cousin Kassidi to the Idaho Falls zoo. It was really fun. The kids were excited to be together and see all the animals. There was this really funny monkey there that was totally showing off.


Me and some friends decided to do a 10K. We trained together 2-3 times per week at 6 o'clock in the morning. It was a lot of fun running with friends who encouraged me and helped me improve. On the day of the 10K, I drove to Choteau with my friend Alicia. She was doing the 5K, and some other friends of ours had driven up the day before because they were doing the half marathon starting at 6 am (Yikes!). The run was harder than I thought it would be, with a killer hill right before the turn around. But I'm so glad I did it! I used to hate running, but now, I think I'm starting to like it. It's surprisingly relaxing. :) After the race, someone pointed out that I was bleeding! I had a scab on my ankle from running with an anklet a few days before, and it opened up on the run and blood was running into my shoe. Yuck. But it was fun to get a picture of my battle wound. :)

Jayden's birthday

We've had an eventful few weeks. Jayden turned 4, and I can hardly believe it. I know I say that every time my kids have a birthday, but man! It was a super fun party. We had a lot of friends come over for a BBQ and water party. I wasn't sure if the weather was going to cooperate, but it turns out that kids don't care. They see a slip-n-slide and they are in it! Jayden really enjoyed himself, and so did I.