Monday, April 26, 2010

Tender Feelings Today

I had my last day of work as a student at the birth center today. It was a good day. I have definitely improved and learned a lot since starting as a student almost a year and a half ago. But I have worked for Elaine at the birth center in various capacities, including childbirth educator, birth assistant, and student midwife, for almost 4 years. That is as long as I've ever had a job. But this was so much more than a job to me. In fact, for much of it, I made next to nothing or literally nothing. Working at the birth center was like living my dream job. It was like finding out who I really wanted to be in life. It was about finding out how much courage I have. And it was about having good friends.
I owe Elaine so much, I don't think I'll ever be able to repay her. Here are some of the gifts she has given me:
- She gave me an opportunity after meeting me only twice. I walked into the birth center one day and said I was a childbirth educator. She asked me to come back and meet with her and her partner. I came and met with them and they gave me the gig on the spot. Thus began my childbirth education classes at the birth center
- I was her first birth assistant at the birth center. I had been to births as a doula before, but I don't think she really knew how inexperienced and scared I really was then. But she trusted me enough to allow me to come to births and be taught by her. This was the beginning of a whole new chapter in life
- After working with Elaine for a while, I became pregnant with Charlee. There was no question in my mind that I would have my baby at the birth center. But after some upheaval in the birth center staff, Elaine had decided to not accept insurance anymore. This included mine, of course. So she did my prenatal visits and attended my birth for free. I don't think I've met anybody as generous in my life
- Soon after Charlee's birth, I felt some desire to become a midwife. It seemed like the logical next step, and yet an insanely scary one. Watching Elaine care for women and give them opportunities they never would have had in another birthing environment made me want to be involved in this amazing work, too. But it took me a while to build up the courage
- Finally, after much prayer and stress, I decided to take the plunge and go back to school to be a midwife. Elaine, of course, was tremendously excited for me and readily agreed to be my teacher. How could I have done any of this without her encouragement and support? Not to mention her unfailing belief in me, more than I had for myself?
- The last year and a half, I have work even more closely with Elaine as a midwifery student. She has given me opportunities for learning and growth and helped me be brave, and yet has not pushed me faster than I could go. I can only hope and pray that when we move, I will be able to find a midwife-teacher as amazing as Elaine has been for me.

So, today, after we finished up the clinical work, Elaine took me, Melanie, and Brianna out to lunch. I was so happy to be out with these wonderful friends, and yet sad that my time was up with them already. We had a great meal and were visiting as we finished up. Then, as a perfect ending to a midwifery apprenticeship, Elaine got a call on her cell phone that a mom was in labor and to hurry quick to the birth center. She and Melanie got up and quickly ran out the door to go down the street to the center to be with this mom on this most significant of days. Tears ran down my face as I watched them leave...without me. I can't believe this chapter of my life is over. I'm not sure I'm ready. Moving hasn't been this hard since I left Logan and my best friend forever Marie. But, life marches on. And, just like all the babies I've seen be born grow up and change, so must I.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More karate moments

Jayden absolutely loves being in Little Dragons. He does very well (I would say best in the class, but of course I may be a little biased). Anyway, today his teacher says, "Our three best weapons are our brain, our voice, and our feet. Why our feet?" and Jayden says, "Because they stink!"
I am always getting after him because he puts his shoes on without putting on socks first. I tell him it makes his feet stink (it gets pretty bad). Apparently he did hear me, he just decided to ignore the advice! :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

James is a GOLD BELT!

James had his karate test today to earn his gold belt. Jason took James early this morning and the test lasted for several hours. Here is James's final portion of the test. After testing all their skills, the testees must break a board to earn their belt. As you can see, it is very exciting to see the kids break their boards. James didn't think he could do it, but he is stronger than he thinks!

Also, James had his birthday party at McDonalds yesterday. He had a lot of fun with his friends, despite the fact that some kid (not involved with our party) threw up in the playplace and we had to keep the kids out of it for the remainder of the party. YUCK!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

James turns 7 and other items of interest

It has been spring break for the kids since last Thursday. We've been having fun, despite our kids being sick. The ward has been passing Hand, Foot and Mouth disease around, and Charlee got it. James has been sick and was pretty much couch bound yesterday on his 7th birthday. :(
Anyway, we took the kids to the circus on Friday, which was fun. We saw some friends there and went out to dinner afterwards, which is always enjoyable. Then we watched conference and went to a birthday party on Saturday. Sunday was great because between sessions of conference we went to the LaDuke's house for an Easter egg hunt with several families. We love friends!
Monday James got sick so we pretty much just hung out at home. Then yesterday was his 7th birthday. I don't know how the time has gone so fast. He got to open his gifts from Jason and I on his birthday, but we will celebrate on Friday with his friends at McDonalds.
This morning, Jayden's preschool had an Easter Parade at a local rest home. The kids got all dressed up and paraded in front of the residents and got Easter eggs to take home. When James got his eggs, he shouted, "Awesome!" and everyone laughed. It was cute.
I took some pictures of Charlee and her friend Jake sharing the lazyboy. They have a love/hate relationship. They hate it when they have to share toys, but they really love each other. My friend Alicia LaDuke and I watch each other's kids for our work days on Mondays and Wednesdays, so our kids get to see each other a lot. Anyway, I just thought they were very cute. Charlee kept leaning over to kiss Jake, but of course wouldn't do it when the camera came out. :)
Fun at the circus
Easter morning
Silly Charlee with a robin egg and a huge smile!
At the Easter Parade

Charlee and her best friend Jake