Thursday, March 24, 2011

More Pictures

OK, I just found a bunch of Christmas pictures that my camera refused to import for some reason. Anyway, I knew I wasn't as crappy as I thought about taking pictures at Christmas. :)
James's school Christmas program. I'm a terrible mom and forgot the camera for Jayden's program. :(
The boys got daddy a headlamp. They were very proud of it.

We had 2 Christmases! Lucky kids. One early with daddy and one with Grandma and Grandpa and the rest of the crew.

I got to see my good friend Marie and her family. Even at only 9 weeks pregnant, I can barely fit into that sweatshirt. :)

Life has been busy at our house, but apparently not much has happened that I felt was blog worthy because it has been quite a while. This last week was different, though.
Charlee turned 3 last weekend. Crazy! The older I get, the more time seems to fly by and it makes me kinda sad to see my kids growing up so fast. We did have a great time celebrating with Charlee, though. She is just the cutest little girl ever. She sang happy birthday to herself in the car for days before the big day. She would randomly yell out, "I love cake and presents!" for days before as well. I guess this year was really the first time she actually knew what was coming and was very excited for it. I bought the presents and was sure we were ready to have a family party. Jason came to the rescue, though, when he called me the night before (he was working a bunch of night shifts) from Walmart and asked if I had bought decorations. I said no. So, the next morning when Charlee and I took the boys to school, Jason surprised us both by decorating the kitchen with a banner, birthday tablecloth, and other fun decorations. Charlee was beside herself when she walked in and saw it! Then, that evening when we had our family party, Jason brought out some glow bracelets that he bought and invented a game on-the-spot with the kids that was a huge hit. Dads are so great at that kind of stuff! So, we ended up with a really great birthday party for our little Chars.
She is a little bugger, though, I gotta say. I tried really hard to make her hair all cute for her big day because I knew we'd be taking pictures. That girl really hates to have her hair done. Anything I do to it, be it ponytails, barrettes, whatever...she has it out within minutes. So, even though I DID do her hair that day, you can't really tell. :) She also insisted on wearing her hat like a horn. :)

The kids got a hold of the camera and took several hundred pictures. I am including a few that were not too blurry or, you know, just pics of the fridge and carpet. :) The kids had just eaten birthday cake in a couple of these.