Well, it is finally happening. We have a child old enough to get baptized. Who woulda thought? James turned 8 this week. Because of Jason's crazy work schedule, it was sort of a celebration spread over several days. We went camping last weekend and included some birthday celebrating into our vacation. Then, we took James to Toys R Us a couple days before his birthday (due to Jason's work day-of) and let him pick out his own present. He thought that was cool. I took cupcakes to his school class on his birthday, which he was so excited about.
But we are still looking forward to the most important part of this special birthday...the baptism. He will be baptized April 30. We have been talking a lot about baptism in our family. I really hope he feels ready and fully understands what choice he is making. I think he does. He is so full of faith. He is so GOOD.
His biggest birthday present was a new set of scriptures with his name printed on them. He picked them out himself, and they are very nice. He is really excited to take them to church for the first time tomorrow. This morning, after chores he brought them into the kitchen. He said, "Guess what I'm going to do now, mom? I'm going to read my scriptures because I want to learn more about the word of God." He teaches me so much and helps me be a better person. He gets so excited when he learns the stories of the scriptures. I hope someday I can be more like him. I am so grateful to have him as my son. I love you James!