I look forward to summer all school year long. I love getting out of bed in the summer and not having to rush around getting people dressed, teeth and hair brushed, lunches packed, etc. It's so nice to just take it easy...for about a week. Then comes the, "I'm booooooored," from the kids. Most days I do have something planned to keep us busy, but only for an hour or two usually. Jason has been working a lot of odd hours, so most of the time it is just me and the kids...all day every day. I lament the fact that we live on a street where there are very few kids to play with. So my kids are left to their own devices to entertain themselves for hours a day. It's been...interesting. Here is a sample of what we've been up to.

Swimming lessons - all three kids are loving it.

Checking out the lifeflight helicopter. We got to see it take off, too. The kids thought that was super cool. Almost every week we have been to the free concert in the park. They have lots of booths that give the kids free stuff-which they think is absolutely awesome. It is sponsored by a hospital, so they have been able to check out the helicopter, ambulance, baby-mama ambulance, and firetruck.

Face painting at the free concert at the park.

Independence Day at the Air Force Academy. It was a really great show. They had the Academy band and CS orchestra there playing music. They did the 1812 Overture with real cannon blasts! That was followed with a spectacular fireworks show. The only down side was that it took 2 hours to get home (about 8 miles away) due to the huge crowd.

Dinosaur museum in Woodland Park

Charlee is scantily clad most days at our house lately. We are trying our darndest to potty train this girl. Let's just say she is putting up her best fight. Lately, her thing is to act like a puppy and pee and poop on the carpet...just feet away from the toilet. What am I going to do with this girl?

The kids had a great time at a birthday party in May. It was at a gym, which is perfect for my energetic kids!

Always the life of the party. That is frosting all over their faces.
I have 5 weeks left until D day! This baby is very active. While I was hoping for a calm one, I am already thinking I am not going to get it. I was telling my dad the other day on the phone that I think Heavenly Father must have a lot of trust in me because he has sent me 4 very active, headstrong children. I mean, they are downright crazy with energy sometimes. I love them so much, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't trade them for anything! But this big, pregnant mama gets exhausted easily these days. I sure hope my energy level returns to normal fast after birth. I need it!