Friday, January 16, 2009

First lost tooth of the Hope household

James came home from school yesterday with a very loose tooth.  He was super excited about it and couldn't wait for it to come out.  He had to make sure and tell everybody about it and made a point to show it off for daddy.  Well, Jason watched the kids last night while I went for a massage (long story) and when I came home, Jason told me to walk over to the counter where there was a glass and look inside.  Well, lo and behold, there was a tiny little tooth inside!  I went downstairs and James was beyond excited to tell me all about it.  So, the toothfairy came and brought him a $1 bill last night.  He woke up extra early (yay for me) to show it to me.

Since I mentioned Charlee's fraggle rock hairdo last post, I thought I'd provide a picture this time. She does not like to get her hair done!  But look how super cute she is!

On the school front, I am feeling very overwhelmed with all that I have to learn to become a midwife!  Ahh!  I am just such a newbie when it comes to all the medical side of childbirth.  I am learning to take blood pressure and I feel clumsy and ignorant even just with that skill.  I have a long way to go.


Jo said...

But of course you will get the hang of everything and will become a wonderful midwife. I brag about you to my mom and Ruben anytime the topic comes up.

Marie said...

Wow, I can't believe James lost his first tooth! Sorry about the early morning.

Brandon May said...

It is so fun to see the excitement on James' face... that makes me laugh. Good luck with all your Mid wife school stuff. sounds stressful.

Tiffany Unsworth said...

Fun Blog! I must say that the day Ellie lost her first tooth was the BIGGESt day of her life, up to that point, or so it seemed. I love all the pictures of Charlie! She's so adorable!

dhmorrell said...

Dear Nicki,

I'm trying to figure out how to get the #%&@ computer to send my comments to your blog. I think I've got it worked out now.

I know how busy you are and I appreciate you taking the time to update the blog and post pictures of you and yours.

much love, Dawni