It's been a while. I hate it when I go this long without updating because then I can't remember all we've done. Well, first of all, I did another race. It was supposed to be the base triathlon, which me and a couple of friends were doing together. We got there the morning of and saw that the pool was only about half full. I guess the guy that usually takes care of the pool levels and all that went on vacation and his replacement screwed up big time by emptying the pool! Oops! We were all pretty disappointed that our triathlon was canceled, so we decided as a group to just do a biathlon instead. So we did the biking and running portions of the race. It was super fun. Once again, it was harder than I thought it would be, but I was so glad I did it. Unfortunately, I still can't say I've ever completed a triathlon, though. :)

That afternoon, I drove down to Idaho to see my brother who had just returned from his mission (Texas, Houston East mission). It was awesome to see him. He has sure grown up a lot. We did a lot of fun things. We went to a movie together, just David, me and Kelli. We took the kids to an indoor playground/arcade and once again Kelli, David and I got to escape for a while to play mini-golf while our angel mother watched the kids. It was so great to spend time with my siblings. We missed Brent, though. David gave a great talk in church and we had a whole lot of family there. They all came to my parent's house after and had lunch. It was nice to see so much family that I hardly ever get to see anymore.
James started first grade the day after we got home from Idaho. I can't believe he is old enough to be in first grade! I blows my mind. He is doing very well in school so far. His teachers name is Mrs. Kakalesic. Try saying that 5 times fast. The poor first graders just call her Mrs. K. He says he likes her and that she is nice. That's always good news. Jayden will go to Miss Carol's preschool again this year. He starts this week.
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