We are having a great Christmas season so far. Both the boys had their Christmas school programs this week. Since I could not operate the video camera and the still camera at the same time, I have no pictures of it. But they both did a great job and were so excited to do it. James's was on Wednesday, the day I watch my friend's kids, and so I had all 6 kids there watching the program. It was pretty challenging trying to get all 6 kids herded through the crowded school halls, but I got through it and the kids had a lot of fun.
I am so excited to have the kids out of school for a couple weeks. It will be nice to have a more relaxed schedule for a while. I just hope I can keep them sufficiently entertained so they don't drive me and each other crazy!
We are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas at home. Last year, Jason had a Christmas alert and so I went to my parent's house without him so I could see my big brother. It was a big sacrifice for Jason to let me go. This year, he is really excited to have a nice Christmas with just our little family and no worries that he might get called to work. Life is good for us.
We will miss all of our family this Christmas and we hope it is a happy one for each one of you.
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