Sunday, February 26, 2012

We're almost done!!

Jason will be HOME about 1 week from now! I can use a few more exclamation points if you can't tell how excited I am!!! We've been trying to keep ourselves busy while daddy was away. The boys are in basketball at Peterson. They have fun, but their favorite part is the snacks at the end of the game. :) Charlee is still enjoying her dance lessons. She likes to dance everywhere she goes now. Jackson just had a growth spurt of body and personality. He is a character, for sure. He's been playing with his voice and finding new noises. Right now his favorite it to wheeze like an 80 year old smoker. He finds himself hilarious. And let's be honest, the rest of us find it equally hilarious. His favorite is to make funny noises during prayers and at church. I think he knows we can't resist busting up laughing. Especially James.

thanks to a good friend, I canned applesauce and tomato sauce for the first time ever!
My lovely mint, lemon balm, lemon mint, and bergamot. I added calendula to the empty spot. I have been enjoying lovely fresh herbal tea for weeks. My mint is going crazy so I stuck some in the dehydrator. I love making my own herbals.

James's piano recital. He did well.

How can my baby be old enough for solids?? It makes me happy and sad.

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