Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cute Christmas Princess

I just had to post these cute pictures of Charlee in her Christmas outfit.  We took her to my work party in it, and of course everyone thought she looked adorable.  
James had his Christmas presentation at school the other day.  I had my friend Alicia's kids with me, so it was a little crazy, but I enjoyed seeing James sing the songs he learned.  Unfortunately, my camera was being naughty, so the pictures didn't turn out good at all.  I did get most of it on video, though.  
Jason and I were planning on going out tonight to celebrate our anniversary (eight years on Monday!!) but the weather may not allow that.  We have huge snow drifts and the temps are below 0.  I just hope the weather behaves closer to when we want to travel to Idaho for Christmas.  I would be absolutely heartbroken if we couldn't go.
Anyway, enjoy the pics.  

Monday, December 8, 2008

School news

So I finally heard from the Midwives College of Utah today and I got accepted into the program.  Hooray!  Now I can finally get going with things that have been on hold while I've been waiting to hear back, like getting my apprentice license.  I attended a couple of births last week at the Birth Center, and Elaine the midwife there started teaching me a few things.  It was very exciting to start learning new things.  I know I have a really long way to go, but I love learning and expanding my skills.  It's kinda weird to be a college student again.  It's definitely not going to be the same the second time around.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas lights

So I am very proud of myself.  I hung Christmas lights for the first time this year...all by myself!  It was kinda scary when I was hanging them at the highest part of the roof, but luckily I didn't fall off the ladder.  Now I just need to figure out an easier way to have them turn on and off, cuz I get sick of going out every evening to plug them all in and out.
We went to the Christmas stroll and lights parade last night.  The kids had a lot of fun at the parade.  They collected a lot of candy and got excited about all the lit up floats.  Afterwards, we went home and watched the Grinch on TV and they ate all their candy.  I figured, hey, it's the weekend, it can't hurt, right?