Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas lights

So I am very proud of myself.  I hung Christmas lights for the first time this year...all by myself!  It was kinda scary when I was hanging them at the highest part of the roof, but luckily I didn't fall off the ladder.  Now I just need to figure out an easier way to have them turn on and off, cuz I get sick of going out every evening to plug them all in and out.
We went to the Christmas stroll and lights parade last night.  The kids had a lot of fun at the parade.  They collected a lot of candy and got excited about all the lit up floats.  Afterwards, we went home and watched the Grinch on TV and they ate all their candy.  I figured, hey, it's the weekend, it can't hurt, right?

1 comment:

Sharlyn said...

You got candy at the parade? We didn't get anything...guess we were at the end of the parade. :) The house looks great.