Sunday, July 11, 2010

Only a few days left

Jason will be home this week! Hooray! We are more than ready to see him again. Single mothering is way too hat is off to any mother who has to do this full time. The kids and I have been trying hard the last few days to not get on each other's nerves. Luckily, I had a couple lifesaving friends come to my rescue lately. I went to the new Twilight movie with my friend Kamee Hale (yes, all you Montana friends, That Kamee). Her husband was a saint and offered to watch the kids while we had a GNO. Much needed on my part. Anyway, that was super fun. And then my visiting teacher called and offered to take the kids for a couple hours. I didn't do anything super exciting, just grocery shopping, but even grocery shopping without kids seemed like a treat to me. And now the end is in sight. And you know, 7 weeks is a long time for a 2 year old. She has changed a lot since Jason left. She speaks in almost comprehensible sentences now. Won't Jason be surprised.

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