Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pictures of the Big Man

I love the Christmas season! The lights, the music, the parties...everything. A friend emailed me a copy of a 25 day advent activity that I'm very excited to start with the fam. It is a scripture, song, and story for every day in December. What a great way to bring more of the spirit of Christ into Christmas!!
I have tried and tried to get a picture of Jackson smiling. He smiles all the time...he's such a happy boy. But of course, as soon as the camera comes out, he stops smiling to check out the camera. Oh, well. Here's what I've got. Enjoy.
Big, puffy cloth diaper bum. :)
Caught him mid-yawn

Love those big beautiful eyes

Love those kids!!

Don't tell....but Jason is getting a camera for Christmas. So, hopefully in the near future, we will have some higher quality and quantity pictures comin' this way.

1 comment:

Melanie Arkoudas said...

Nikki, he is darling! How are you liking cloth diapers? I would love your address for Christmas cards if you get a second.