Sunday, February 8, 2009

I missed church...again!

OK, so in the last 5 Sundays I have been to church once!  Ahh!  Not only does my heart feel heavy and in need of a spiritual lift, but I miss my ward family that I've come to love very much.  A good friend of mine, Tiffany, had her last Sunday today and I missed it!  I'm so sad about it.  I got a call last night that there was a lady in labor in Helena and so I made arrangements to go.  Luckily, I didn't have to go until this morning, but I was gone all day.  My babysitter, Liz, is heaven sent.  I feel bad making her miss church, too, though.  Last week Jayden was throwing up so we couldn't go to church, but the other weeks it has been births keeping me busy.  If any of you babies up in heaven can hear me, I need to go to church next week.  Please choose another day to come!
In other news, we are headed to Canada this week for family vacation.  We are all very excited. We are going to Cardston the first day and going to the temple.  Then the next day we are headed up to Banff.  It should be fairly awesome.  :)  We are staying there for 2 days, then heading back down.  We may or may not stay a day in Calgary.  It depends on if our excitement and our money hold out or not.  Hooray for leaving your cares behind for a few days and having no obligations except to play with your husband and kids!!  I may have to sneak in a few hours of homework in there, but hey, that's what long car rides are for.  See you all when we get back!

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