Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well, I was a dork and forgot the camera during our Thanksgiving dinner, so you'll just have to read about it instead.  It was so nice to have somewhere to go since Jason was working.  Me and the kids and 4 other families and the missionaries gathered at the church for dinner.  We all made food to bring.  I made a 24 pound turkey (the biggest and, might I say, the best I've ever made so far) and stuffing, gravy, sweet potato casserole, and pilgrim hat cookies for the kids.  There was all sorts of yummy food there.  It was  a lot of fun.  We just ate and talked and one of the families brought Wall-E for the kids to watch.  All of us there live far away from our families and so we just became family for each other.  I am so grateful to live by really wonderful people who care so much about each other.  It makes living far away from family bearable.  If any of my Great Falls family (aka my awsome friends) are reading this...I love you!!

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